Housing Programs
SVdP CARES assists in a 19-county service area, ending homelessness for individuals, families, and US Veterans who have low, extremely low, or no income.
While the level and type of assistance vary, SVdP CARES models its programs on the principles of “Housing First” – emphasizing choice and self-determination across programs, and rapidly connecting homeless individuals and families to permanent housing with no readiness requirements. Individualized, client-driven, wrap-around support is available to the household after the housing crisis is resolved.
Rapid Rehousing
Case managers and housing specialists work to develop individualized housing plans for individuals, families, and US Veterans in temporary housing.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Multiple housing facilities are available for those living with challenges who may need ongoing support and special care.
Making Homelessness Rare. Brief. One-Time.
Every day SVdP CARES works to end homelessness. Your cash donation can help us reach even more people!