Holly is a mother of 3 beautiful children who recently escaped homelessness. To celebrate their new freedom, SVdP CARES made a special pizza delivery and sat down with Holly and her case manager, Michelle, to learn more about her journey with SVdP CARES.
SVdP CARES: How did you get connected with SVdP CARES?
Holly: I’m originally from California, so I moved out here because I had a family friend that lived here. I was going to nursing school at the time, and I was looking at 5 years before I became an RN. He told me to come out here, “it’s easier, more affordable…I have resources.” So I finally made the leap. The day I flew in, I met his family, got dropped off at a cheap hotel, and never saw him again. I found out about 2-1-1 (local relief services hotline) to see how I could get help ‘cause I was on my own. I got connected with St. Vincent de Paul CARES, and within 2-days, I was in a nice hotel. It was SUPER FAST! I’ve never gotten help like that before. It was awesome.
Holly and her family were able to take part in SVdP CARES newest service, Safer Emergency Housing Alternative (SEHA). An alternative to the conventional shelter, SEHA uses local hotels to bridge the “gap” for those on the path to permanent housing. Holly began working with a case manager and housing specialist in the Rapid Rehousing program, and within 2-months, she and her 3 children moved into a home of their own…
We officially moved into a house last Friday (September 25th). Being in a hotel with 3 young kids was toooough. She laughs. It’s a lot of work, and I’m a student now, I got into nursing school, so it’s nice that we all have our own space. But if it wasn’t for the help I got, I don’t know where we’d be. I’m really thankful honestly…it’s been one hell of an adventure.
SVdP CARES: What has the transition been like on your journey to housing?
Holly: Being homeless sucks. It’s awful and it’s scary. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring, you don’t know what’s going to happen. And for me, I had nowhere to go…no one to turn to…I have no friends and family here, so I’m literally on my own. My bank actually closed my account, because I didn’t have a proof of address! I’m on my own in another state across the country. No friends. No family. It was terrifying.
Now that I’m housed, there’s new challenges, but it’s OK because I have references that SVdP CARES has given me and it’s not as scary anymore.
I am also in another program, thanks to St. Vincent de Paul CARES, who works with families that have nothing, so everything in our house was donated. It was amazing. We walked into a home, and not an empty space.
Michelle: We try to make sure they have those resources from the community that want to give back, and there are a few places that work and partner with us (SVdP CARES), in addition to the SVdP CARES Community Thrift Store. So it’s really nice to be able to reach out and get furniture and housing supplies donated, so it doesn’t have to immediately come out of Holly’s pocket.
Holly: YES! I am so grateful. It would be a while before I was able to afford things like that. I feel like I can focus more on my kids and my classes.
SVdP CARES: Overall, how do you feel about the SVdP programs you’ve participated in?
Holly: Oh my gosh. You guys are aaawwwweesoooome. I wouldn’t be here if wasn’t for St. Vincent de Pauls CARES. I have never gotten this much help. You <to Michelle>, have always answered any questions, helped me find places, kept tabs on me, and I am super, super grateful.
SVdP CARES: So what’s next?
Holly: I finish school in 3 years and I would like to work through a full-time nursing service to do Humanitarian missions. And these guys <hugs her son tight> will be travelling with me.
SVdP CARES: Is there anything else you would like to share?
Holly: I have been trying to think of ways I can repay what you guys have done…
Holly trails off and becomes choked up. Michelle reaches out…
Michelle: That’s what we’re here for and that’s what the community is here for. They want to help and make sure everything’s good, so you can focus on sustaining your housing. That’s why we do our jobs. We want to continue to work with the community and work with families, so no one has to be on the streets. Everybody needs a hand up, and there is no one that can say that they have not needed help in one form or another.
Holly: I think that’s what’s been so hard for me…I’ve never had to ask for help. I’ve always been on my own. I’ve always worked… so to be in this position where I had to ask for help, that was really hard. But I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t. And the resources here were unbelievable. I’ve never seen this amount of help for anyone, and for me going through this myself… wow. Who do I thank first? How can you ever give back the amount that you have received? This program is awesome. And if I can share my story and it can help someone else that needs it …well, maybe that’s how I can pay it back.