The Good Samaritan Story
This story from the Bible (Luke 10:25-37) is widely known for its noble message of helping others without regard for origin or circumstance. In this parable, Jesus defines who our neighbors are and illustrates love and mercy: A traveler on the road to Jericho is robbed, stripped, beaten, and left for dead. Both a priest and a Levite pass by, but on seeing him, cross to the other side and leave him. A Samaritan also sees the traveler and stops, tends to his wounds, and provides shelter for him at an inn.
By becoming a member of the Good Samaritan family of monthly donors, you ensure that the care for those often neglected and abandoned not only continues but becomes available to even more who have been left alone on the roadside “beaten up” by life’s challenges.
Join SVdP CARES Circles of Excellence

$100 Monthly Gift
Provides “Welcome Home” packages to those moving into housing and helps those in permanent supportive housing.
$416.67 Monthly Gift
Moves a homeless family into a new home.
$833.34 Monthly Gift
Champions a family for a full year on their journey to self-sufficiency
To learn more about SVdP CARES Giving Circles and the individuals they are named after, click here.