For more information on SSVF
and to see if you qualify, please call:
Our Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program serves all 19 counties where SVdP CARES serves. SSVF rapidly houses Veterans and their families who are experiencing homelessness and prevents homelessness for those in crisis.
SSVF uses the Housing First approach, helping individuals and families access and sustain permanent rental housing as quickly as possible -without precondition – while facilitating access to needed health care, employment, legal services, and other supports to sustain permanent housing and improve one’s quality of life.
Critical to our success is having staff skilled in landlord outreach and recruitment, and home-based case management, including assessment of potential eligibility for community resources to address identified needs outside of housing, in addition to obtaining VA and other public benefits. Services may include:
- Employment services
- Health care services
- Daily living services
- Personal financial planning services
- Transportation services
- Fiduciary & payee services
- Legal services
- Child care services
- Housing counseling services
- Identification services
In addition, SVdP CARES may also provide time-limited payments to third parties (e.g., landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and licensed childcare providers) if these payments help Veterans’ families stay in or acquire permanent housing on a sustainable basis.
Supportive services are available to eligible Veterans and other members of the household based on an assessment of their needs and an individualized housing stability plan. Each household is screened to determine the appropriateness of the program and whether other interventions may better meet the identified needs.
This program is funded by a grant from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. The opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are those of SVdP CARES and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
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